About the Owner
Meet Lauren Green license # 1018658
"Even though I graduated with a business degree specializing in both finance and real estate, it wasn’t until years later, after buying my first home, in Portland, OR, that I decided to get involved in the mortgage broker business. I learned that finding a good Mortgage Broker wasn't the easiest thing to find-- and that is what prompted me to make my move into the field. After a few years in the business, I eventually took that resolve and ventured out to create Green Family Mortgage.
I am lucky to have worked with many great clients over the years, and I always enjoy getting to know more of their friends and family. These people are the heart and soul of my business and what makes my job fun and worth getting up for everyday.
When I am not at work I love being outside: gardening, playing tennis, playing volleyball, going for a run or bikeride or a nice hike to enjoy to enjoy the beautiful Northwest views. Afterwards, I love hitting up a good brewery, a new wine shop, or getting some of Portland's finest grub. These days most of my non-work time is spent with family and chasing after the two newest members of the Green Family: my 2 year old daughter and my infant son.
LO NMLS#1018658